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I'm Danielle! Thank you for following my families adventures and looking forward to getting to know all of you one mile at a time. 

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I Decided to Run a Marathon... or Three

I've always loved to run. It's almost a form of meditation for me. I can tap out of the real world and focus on my breath, listen to some tunes, while challenging myself. Before I found out I was pregnant with Patrick, I was training for the Richmond Marathon ("RM") in Virginia. Of course, getting put on bed rest put a damper on my plans. I promised myself that after Patrick was born I was going to start back up and finish my training for the RM. 

But why stop there... Along with my plans to finish the RM, I also decided to make my life a little more challenging and try and qualify for the Boston Marathon 2019! Might as well check off a few bucket list items all at once. Starting last month (June), I started my own training plan to try and complete the RM on November 11, 2017, Shamrock Marathon ("SM") on March 18, 2018, and the Richmond Marathon in November, 2018. 

The training program consist of a mixture of gradual increased mileage running days (4x a week), Yoga for Runners (2x a week) and strength training (1x a week). The program starts for beginners are leads up to a 5k, 8k, 10k, Half, and Full. If interested in participating in the program, contact us on our Contact Page for more details! 

A very sore, 

Back Country Momma 

@ 2017 Back Country Momma 

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