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I'm Danielle! Thank you for following my families adventures and looking forward to getting to know all of you one mile at a time. 

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Finding Time for the Outdoors - the Daily Grind

I have to start by apologizing to my loyal blog viewers, because I've disappeared over the past few weeks. As if having a newborn isn't hard enough, add a new full time job and life drastically changing to it! That's life though, and we learn to roll with the punches. During this transition, I've learned that it's so important to find time for what is important to you and your family.

For us, that is being outdoors. I'm learning as I go to balance everyday activities with our hobbies, but to us this is a priority. So I gathered a list, for those families on the go that just crave every ounce of the outdoors.


Make time for an evening stroll

Seems simple enough, right? Wrong. There's dinner, baby's bath time, baby's play time, work calls... etc. etc. We're lucky enough that Patrick craves being outside as much as we do, that this has become a soothing nighttime activity for him.

Make it a priority and set aside 10 minutes for a evening stroll. Pack up baby, husband/wife, dogs, cat... etc. and get outside! We try and find a couple minutes after he eats dinner and starts to get fussy so that he can have some fresh air before bed time.

Set aside time for a weekend hike

Weekends are time for mommy and daddy to get things done that have lingered from the week, BUT try and take a hour to go to a local park or even a hike around the neighborhood. Your family will thank you.

Go visit a pumpkin patch or farm

This is the PERFECT time of the year to find outdoor activities for your little ones. Patrick's favorite place in the world is at a farm. He loves to interact with the animals and play in the pumpkin patches and mazes. With the weather finally cooling off and it not being 100 degrees anymore, we have been able to enjoy the outdoors a little more.


So mommies and daddies, what are your ways that you find time to be outside?

A refreshed,

Back Country Momma

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